APlastic Bag
[email protected]877-992-2247APlasticBag.com 4023 Trail Creek Rd. Riverside, CA 92505

Custom Ameritote Restaurant Bags

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Custom Ameritote Restaurant Bags

The custom Ameritote restaurant bags are grease proof and allow you to bragger about the leak proof methods of delivery of your exceptionally considerate business.
  • Custom Design Uses Imprints
  • Comes With Robust Portable Handles
  • Reorders, Get Discounted Price

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Now showing the options for "1 Color 2 Side - Flexo Print"

Ameritote Bags - Great for Customization

Are you looking for an ideal solution to increase your brand image? Why not look towards these amazing custom printed bags! You can have your logo printed on these ideal Ameritote bags, which will upscale the value of your restaurant. These are wide bottom gusset bags that ensure that you can keep wide items, such as food parcels in them. The bags are wonderful with their soft loop handles and prepared from high quality plastic.
  • Wide bottom that do not require cardboard
  • Great replacement for imported bags
  • Soft Strap handles
  • Ideal for restaurants

Custom Printed Ameritote Bags

The amazing Ameritote bags are available in three colors of natural, white and beige. You can print up to four colors on these bags.

Additional Detail

Material High Density
Eco Friendly Yes, Recyclable (#2)
Recycling Code #2 - HDPE
Made In USA Yes
Printing Method Flexograph
Production Time 20-25 Business Days
RUSH Production Rush Production Avail
Plate/Setup charge: $125+ per color
Re-Order Plate Charge: No plate charge on Re-order
Tolerance: +/- 1/4" size and thickness variance

Printing Treatments

Ameritote Suggested Sizes and Applications

Soft loop handles, flat bottoms to prevent containers from tipping. We can imprint your business name, logo or design in up to 6 colors on Ameritote (softloop Handle) bags. It's the most cost effective advertising you can do. If we don't stock the size you need, we will have it custom made for you.




12 x 10 + 4"
8 x 4"
Small carryout contrainers, snak items, dessert bag, deli items.
16 x 11 + 8"
8 x 8"
Round plates adn small carryout containers
19 x 12 + 9"
10 x 9"
Up to four 9" hinge-lid comtainers, covered plates, pie boxes
21 x 13 +10"
11 x 10"
Three - four containers, upto four 9 to 10.5 containers + sides
24 x 14 + 11"
13 x 11"
Familly & catering orders, 13" round deli tray, 1/2 steam pans, cake boxes


Industry Uses

Customer Reviews

Add-ons to Consider

Super Satin Ameritote
Super Satin Ameritote
Item #: CM44
As low as: 39.00/200
15 options available.
Ameritote Holiday Winter Print
Ameritote Holiday Winter Print
Item #: CM22
As low as: 90.00/250
1 options available.
Ameritote Holiday Dots Print
Ameritote Holiday Dots Print
Item #: CM21
As low as: 66.00/200
2 options available.
Custom Super Gloss Ameritote
Custom Super Gloss Ameritote
Item #: CM01
As low as: 0.10/500
64 options available.
Ameritote Holiday On A Whim Print
Ameritote Holiday On A Whim Print
Item #: CM23
As low as: 91.00/250
1 options available.
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