APlastic Bag
[email protected]877-992-2247APlasticBag.com 4023 Trail Creek Rd. Riverside, CA 92505

Clear 2Mil Reclosable Cigars Bags

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Clear 2Mil Reclosable Cigars Bags

The new zipper bags are perfect for your cigar storage. If you want to deposit your tobacco essentials and keep them safe, these bags are perfect for you!
  • Long Lasting
  • Cigars are a great joy for tobacco users. They often offer the best experience out of the available tobacco products. Most people are extremely picky about the cigar they use. One of the troubles of being a cigar user is to find the right way of keeping them on you, even if you are wearing an informal dress. We understand this problem and bring our excellent cigar bag for your need. Our excellent product is actually a reclosable zipper that you can use multiple times. Our Kwik-Zips cigar bag that we have here is a small one and is ideally suited to carry a single cigar. This zipper bag is clear and allows you to quickly view if your cigar is doing well all the time. This excellent bag comes with a zip lock that ensures that your cigar remains contaminant-free and delivers you the best tobacco experience.
    • Great for carrying a single cigar
    • Single track zip lock
    • Made from high quality material

    Additional Detail

    Mil (Thickness) 2.0 MIL
    Generally Ship 2-3 Business Days
    Material Low Density
    Style Reclosable

    Customer Reviews

    Add-ons to Consider

    Laminated Stand-Up Tobacco Bags
    Laminated Stand-Up Tobacco Bags
    Item #: BAG01
    As low as: 27.00/100
    6 options available.
    Fine Cigars Carrier Bags
    Fine Cigars Carrier Bags
    Item #: BAG09
    As low as: 121.50/1000
    3 options available.
    Fine Cigars Imprint Ziplock Bags
    Fine Cigars Imprint Ziplock Bags
    Item #: BAG03
    As low as: 52.50/1000
    4 options available.
    Fine Tobacco Imprint Slidelock Bags
    Fine Tobacco Imprint Slidelock Bags
    Item #: BAG05
    As low as: 34.50/100
    3 options available.
    3 Compartment Cigar Bags
    3 Compartment Cigar Bags
    Item #: BAG10
    As low as: 15.50/100
    1 options available.
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