APlastic Bag
[email protected]877-992-2247APlasticBag.com 4023 Trail Creek Rd. Riverside, CA 92505

European Ribbon Handle Bags

Factory Direct European Ribbon Handle Bags at Wholesale Prices

Luxurious and strong bags from some of the top stores are so popular that many view carrying one as a sign of wealth and prestige. They see men and women walking down the street with one of these carrier bags on their arms and instantly wonder how much money she makes. Thanks to APlasticBag.com, all retail shops can now afford gorgeous custom Eurotote bags for their shoppers.
Products Found


Imprinted European Flap Ribbon BagsMO8European Ribbon Handle Bags
Imprinted European Flap Ribbon Bags
Item #: MO8
500 Bags Min.
1.64-2.12 500 Min
6 option(s) available.
Imprinted European Ribbon BagsMO7European Ribbon Handle Bags
Imprinted European Ribbon Bags
Item #: MO7
500 Bags Min.
1.65-3.33 500 Min
8 option(s) available.
Imprinted Twill Handle EurototeSC29European Ribbon Handle Bags
Imprinted Twill Handle Eurotote
Item #: SC29
250 Bags Min.
1.63-4.11 250 Min
10 option(s) available.
Products Found


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